Exceptional Senior Year Program

The Exceptional Senior Year Program is for motivated, independent, passionate students who have been successful in their first three years of high school and would like to craft the senior year of their dreams. Exceptional Senior Year students create individualized curriculum based on their interests and goals and are full participants in Big Picture learning community

Be sure to check out the Exceptional Senior Year brochure, designed by Big Picture alum Emina K

Exceptional Senior Year Program Components:

  • Senior Thesis Project:  A project in which each student uses her/his passions and expertise to give back to a community.  This year-long project requires students to partner with community members to make a positive difference through a complex project.
  • College Level Courses:  Students will take at least two college level courses at local colleges or through Vermont Virtual Learning Collaborative which offers online AP courses.
  • Internships:  Students will have two substantive internships experiences, each accumulating over 100 hours.  Students gain skills by being part of real businesses and organizations and do projects that contribute to their internship site.  Internships sites can include farms, local businesses, educational programs, or any other site of interest.
  • Service Learning:  Students will engage in a month-long term studying a community need and doing a service learning trip to address it.  Past trips have been to North Carolina to work for Habitat for Humanity, the Boston Zoo, and Nicaragua.
  • Independent Studies:  Students design their own learning projects, and the sky is the limit.  Want to start your own business?  Support a political campaign?  Build a computer?  Put on a concert?  You can choose whatever projects interest you and lead to deep learning.

Visit the Apply page for more information on how to apply.